July 30, 2023: Things you would never know if you did not browse the tab-
loids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket – this
week's headlines:

Barbie: The true life story of an American icon (People); Bill Gates
sex scandal explodes (Globe); Gwen & Blake headed for divorce
(Star); Nasty fights! Humiliation! Failure! Harry & Meghan trial
heading to Africa for peace & privacy, she's staying in U.S.A. for
money & fame (Enquier); New Wheel of Fortune host, Ryan Seacrest's
secrret life revealed, childhood chunk, can't keep a gal, what Vanna
says (Examiner)

Inside ugly $250 million divorce, Costners' brutal blood feud, he
brands her 'gold digger, accuses her of using the kids," she calls him
a 'cheapskate,' rips his 'lowball' child support ('Globe)
Chris Rey wrote 7/29/13 @13;23 EDT:
I don't get it! Half your Discussion Group promos say "just after services
at the Boiling Spring Church of Christ every Sunday"; the other half say
"just after services at the Boiling Springs General Baptist Church every
Sunday." Which is it? Is it the same town?
Yes, it is the same town. It's in northern Warren County, Kentucky, just south of
Edmonson County; and the two churches sit across the street from each other –
Chalybeate Road, Kentucky Highway No. 743. The different spellings of the
town are just one indication of the theological diversion between the churches.
Dumb news from Indiana:
A young man in Decatur, Alabama, had a compelling story:
His father died in the 9/11 terror attacks; his mother had just
one leg; he had no other living relatives, and he was stranded
in Alabama with no way to make the 600-mile trip home to
Indiana after being robbed.
Police officers from six agencies gave him food, money and
a connection for a ride back north. It was only later, police
said, that they discovered that much of the man’s tale was
fiction: His name was fake, both his parents are alive, his
mom has both legs, and there were several other relatives.
But no charges are planned after what police described as
a good-faith effort to help someone in need went awry. "Re-
gardless of the situation he was stranded and didn’t have any-
body. We're happy to help get him him back up there,” said
Mike Swafford, a spokesman for the Morgan County, India-
na, Sheriff.
[courtesy Columbus Republic]

most wanted (Michiana Crime Stoppers) Keon Williams, BM, 6'2", 195 lbs,
battery with deadly weapon, Laquisha Lee, BF, 6'1", 180
probation viol (DUI); Cody Bean, WM, 5'5", 140 lbs, theft; Ateenya
Matthews, BF, 5'5", theft; Keith Hodges, BM, 6'1", 200 lbs, skip bail
Dumb news from Kentucky:Senator Mitch McConnell ("Yertle the Turtle") froze up at a
press conference.
[courtesy LEX18]

Lexington's most wanted Lashonna Marie Webb, a/k/a Geezy, BF, 44, 5'5",
125 lbs, federal warrants (Bluegrrass Crime Stoppers}
July 24: Nate Bump, 47
J-Lo, 54
Kristin Chenoweth, 55
Lynda Carter, 72
Pat Oliphant, 88
Bella Abzug (1920-1998)
July 25:
Louise Brown, 45
Walter Payton (1954-1999)
Steve Goodman (1948-1984)
Emmett Till (1941-1955)
July 26: Dorothy Hamill, 67
Helen Mirren, 78
Mick Jagger, 80
Vitas Gerulaitis (1954-1994)
Mary Jo Kopechne (1940-1969)
Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999)
July 27: Maureen McGovern, 74
Roberta Streeter ("Bobbie Gentry"), 81
Norman Lear, 101
July 28: Liz Cheney, 57
Sally Struthers, 76
Jim Davis, 78
Bill Bradley, 80
Vida Blue (1949-2023)
Jackie Kennedy (1929-1994)
July 29: Martina McBride, 57
Ken Burns, 70
Elizabeth Dole, 87
Nancy Landon Kassebaum, 91
July 30: Hope Solo, 42
Diva Zappa, 44
Kate Bush, 65
Arnold Schwarzenegger, 76
Paul Anka, 82
Buddy Guy, 87
Peter Bogdanovich (1939-2022)
Casey Stengel (1890-1975)
Tabloid deadlines:
Roger Sprung, 92
Randy Meissner, 77
Sinead O'Connor, 56

Crossword puzzle clue of the week:
6D "
[New Yorker, 7/10/23]
Quotation of the week:
"I cheated at golf."
– Golf pro Justin Doeden, at the Ottawa Open
Misdiction of the week:
Elon Musk said Sunday that he plans to change the logo of
Twitter from the bird to an X. which would be the latest big
change since he bought the social media platform last year.
In a series of posts on his Twitter account starting just after
12 a.m. ET, Twitter's owner said that he's looking to make
the change worldwide as soon as Monday.
– NBC News
There is no "12 a.m." The "m" stands for "meridian," the "a"
for "ante," or "before"; and the "p" stands for "post" or "af-
ter." Thus noon is the meridian, or, technically, "12 m." (but
acceptably "12 p.m.," since it immediately precedes 12:01 p.-
m. "12 a.m." is arguably acceptable for midnight also, since
it precedes the meridian, but it immediately follows 11:59 p.
m.). Midnight, the cusp of the days, is thus best "12 p.m.,"
or 12 hours after noon. You can say "12 a.m.," switching
the days, but scientists don't.
– Editor

Borf 's weekly BONUS:
Three boys were accused of spitting at a Hindu procession in Ujjain,
India, and their home was demolished to the sounds of drums and DJ
music. . . . Berlin authorities searching for a lioness found a brood of
startled piglets and then suggested that the "lioness" might have been
a wild Yorshire hog. . . . Marijuana was legalized in Albania. . . . A
car carrying presidential candidate Ron DeSantis in a motorcade in
Chattanooga, Tennessee, collided with three other cars in the motor-
cade. . . . President Biden's German shepherd delivered 10 bites to Se-
cret Service agents in the White House in four months, sending one
of them to the hospital.
[courtesy Harper's, LEX18, AP]

mercedez.jpg Locked
up in San Angelo (by the Tom Green County, Texas, Sheriff): John McDee,
38, ctl. subs.; Diana Blanco, 64, paraph.; Alice Rodriguez, 40, mj.,
illegal dump;
Kabanda, 20, org. crime; Rockcil Beasley, 45, theft, Milena Hernandez,
45, mobery; Mercedez Ramirez, 19, fam. assault; Jeffery Frank, 66,
tampering with government records
Dear Eleanor:
I'm 21 years
old, nearly 6 feet tall; I have long legs
and fingers;
yet I have this really samll penis. I've
measured it at
about 2-1/2 inches at its smallest and
4 inches at
its biggest. People say I'm cute and good-
looking, but
they've not seen my penis.
I have a girl
friend, but she's not interested in sex and
has not seen
my penis. I've seen a bunch of guys on
line bragging
of 6 & 7-inche penises, and I'm in envy.
Dear Envious:
Sex and love are
different. Come to me. I'll love you.
I'll even fuck you. But you have to take a bath first.
Don't forget! Readers interested in intellectual dissection of important current events are invited to attend the Weekly World News Round Table at the offices of Borf Books out- side Brownsville, Kentucky, just after services at the Boiling Springs General Baptist Church every Sunday. Guest speak- ers lined up for meetings in the near future include Jillene Khan.
Remember, if you don't want to receive any more of this inane crap,
just hit your "Reply" button and type in the subject line, "GET THESE
But remember also, you have to
spell and punctuate the message
exactly as it appears above €“ without quotation marks, and without that
redundant "Re: " that appears in so many subject lines or you'll keep
getting this shit! ("Cut and paste" won't work, either. We have a spe-
cial filter to detect that.)

lifemame.jpg "Marry me!" Life Save Dude: I'm not a preacher, and I don't think so
"Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment" – Karen Crockett
July 23, 2023: Things you would never know if you did not browse the tab-
loids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket – this
week's headlines:

Fox apologizes for 'regrettable flirtation with accuracy' (Borowitz);
Khloe Kardashian's boobs go bust! (Enquirer); Bush on cocaine in White
House (Globe); Kari
declares self leader of Wagner group (New Yorker); Disney cracks down
on copyright infringement of those picturing Mickey Mouse while
masturbating (Onion)
Dumb news from Indiana:The Vigo County Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) in Terre
Haute were seeking 300,000 used aluminum cans in its We-CAN-A-
Thon program to turn into cash for its Back-To-School program.
[courtesy Terre Haute Tribune-Star]

South Bend's most wanted (Michiana Crime Stoppers Inc.) Eddie Lee, BM,
6', 150 lbs, assisting a criminal; Alexis Modin, BF,
120 lbs, coke; Kayla McCarty, WF, 5'7", 160 lbs, counterfeiting;
Devante Ellis, BM, 6'6", 185 lbs, domestic battery in front of child
The Kentucky State Police were seeking their third straight "America's
best-looking cruiser" award.
[courtesy LEX18]
July 17: Angela Merkel, 69
Lucie Arnaz, 72
Queen Camilla, 76
Gale Garnett, 81
Don Kessinger, 81
Phoebe Snow (1950-2011)
July 18: Martha Reeves, 82
Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005)
John Glenn (1921-2016)
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
July 19: Bernie Leadon, 76
Ilie Nastase, 77
Florencia Vicenta de Casillas Martinez "Vikki Carr" Cardona, 82
July 20: Sandra Oh, 52
Carlos Santana, 76
Kim Carnes, 78
Tony Oliva, 85
Elliot Richardson
July 21: Brandi Chastain, 55
Steven Demetre Georgiu "Cat Stevens" Yusaf Islam, 75
Kenneth Starr (1946-2022)
Janet Reno (1938-2016)
July 22: Prince George, 10
Selena Gomez, 31
Sparky Lyle, 79
Tom Robbins, 91
Trebek (1940-2020)
Robert Dole (1923-2021)
July 23: Monica Lewinsky, 50
Alison Krauss, 52
Woody Harrelson, 62
Anthony Kennedy, 87
Cy Young (1928-2017)
Tabloid deadlines:
Tony Bennett, 96
André Watts, 77

Wanted in Wichita Falls (Texas, not Wichita, Kansas (Texoma's most
wanted: Julian Sanchez, HM, 35, 5'7", 114 lbs, prob. viol. (sex. ass.);
Lori Veitheimer, WF, 55, 5'7", 125 lbs,
ID, Dequayvian Collins, BM, 29, 5'9", 155 lbs, pro. viol. (sex offdr.);
Rebeca Munoz, HF, 29, 5'1", 160 lbs, prob. viol. (deception); bailed
out or escaped before we could identify them
Crossword puzzle clue of the week:
23D "Period shorter
than an eon"
Answer: ERA
[New Yorker, 6/14/23]
Borf 's weekly BONUS:
Twelve Major League baseball teams scored in double digits in one day
last Tuesday (13 teams did that in one day in 1894).
[courtesy LEX18]

Wanted in Wichita (Kansas, not Wichita Falls, Texas) (by the Sedgwick
County Sheriff) John Canada, BM, 24, 5'8", 190 lbs, domestic battery;
Sky Brewer, WF,
5'4", 180 lbs (Yorkshire hog), probation violation (possession of
stolen prop.); Nicholas Wayne Mitchell, BM, 44, 5'10", 190 lbs,
probation violation (aggravated assault)
Dear Eleanor:
Help! My
husband is dead set on making
me a widow.
H e's always been very healthy, but now he is well into
his 50's and
refusing to treat his health seriously. He has
no regular doctor and has had none of the milestone
checks he should have had at his age. Two years ago he
complained of dizziness and chest pain, and after much
wrestling he had a full physical that identified a cardiac
issue. that requires a daily tablet. He took the pill every
day until the prescription ran out, when he decided he
couldn’t be bothered to "go to all the hassle of seeing
some quack." I don’t want to parent a grown man, and
I am scared for him and angry with him. How do I get
him to take his health seriously? He's a lovely guy, but
I could slap him sometimes
Don't Want to Be a Widow
Dear Donna Wanna:
What a great use of
the catch phrase "dead set!"
So, "Slap him
sometimes" – but use your left

Locked up in San Angelo (by the Tom Green County, Texas, Sheriff):
Ethan Elliott, 22, child sex assault; Marissa Ynostrosa, 23, ctrld.
subst.; Briana Acevedo, 26, paraphern.;
Caldwell, 21, theft; [bailed out or escaped before we could ID her);
Tiffany Johnson, 33, mobery; Raven Soto, 42, DUI w/child; Ralph Blake,
58, c.s., paraphernalia, defective brakes
Quotation of the week:
"We just want the gorillas to be able to be gorillas."
– Hollie Ross,
Toronto Zoo

lifewedd.jpg Life Saver Dude: Shotgun wedding?
Remember, if you don't want to receive any more of this inane crap,
just hit your "Reply" button and type in the subject line, "GET THESE
But remember also, you have to
spell and punctuate the message
exactly as it appears above €“ without quotation marks, and without that
redundant "Re: " that appears in so many subject lines or you'll keep
getting this shit! ("Cut and paste" won't work, either. We have a spe-
cial filter to detect that.)
Don't forget! Readers interested in intellectual dissection of impor- tant current events are invited to attend the WeeklyWorld News Round Table at the offices of Borf Books outside Brownsville, Kentucky, just after services at the Boiling Spring Church of Christ every Sunday. Guest speakers lined up for meetings in the near future include Melanie Renate.
"Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment" – Karen Crockett
July 16, 2023: Things you would never know if you did not browse the tab-
loids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket – this
week's headlines:

Fears Prez too old to win again, Obama back-stabs Biden, plots revolt
at secret summit, plugs Michelle for the job (Globe); Lopsided and
saggy, Kylie Jenner bobjob
(Globe); Scientology child sex scandal explodes, Tom Cruise, Elizabeth
Moss, Juliette Lewis, John Travolta, Danny Masterson, Jenna Elfman,
A-listers rocked
court charges, twisted recruiter targeted young girls, repeated rapes
and forced marriages, church ordered cover-up (Enquirer); Frail Putin
dying of cancer (Enquirer)

Inside custody battle with Brad, Angelina Jolie: 'My kids are teaching
me to be kind' (Examiner); Celebrity widows' private pain, their own
tender stories,
Lucci, Celine Dion, Terry Irwin, Ann-Margaret, filling the void,
surviving grief, why they'll never wed again (Examiner); Charlie Sheen
dementia nightmare (Enquirer)
Dumb news from Kentucky:
Busted in Bardstown, Nelson County Gazette, Russell V. Hall, 24, New
Haven, Mo., rcvg. stolen property; Amanda Lynn Broaddus,
Bloomfield, Evading police, no lights on bicycle; Brenden Kyle Wester,
22, Louisville, failure to appear; William Joshua Allen Douglas, 37,
burglary; Charlie Ann Elkins, 26, St. Helen, Michigan, receiving stolen
property; Paul Hamilton Cruey, 43, Bardstown, failure to appear
A Mount Washington man was arrested for buying and sell-
ing human body parts for home decor, including skulls and
spinal cords.
[courtesy WHAS-TV]
Dumb news from Indiana:A United States Court of Appeals approved the firing of a female
guidance counselor at an Indianapolis Catholic high school found
to be married to another woman.
[courtesy Indianapolis Star]
Quotatiosn of the week:
"Where are all
the girls I cheat with?"
– Keith Whitley
"Life offers so many great choices, all you have to do is see them."
– unknown
Birthdays: July 10: Cindy Sheehan, 66
Arlo Guthrie, 76
Virginia Wade,
Mavis Staples,
July 11: Caroline Wozniacki, 33
Kimberly Denise Jones ("Lil' Misspelled
Kim"), 49
Jeff Hanna, 76
Garthwaite, 85
Giorgio Armani,
Leon Spinks (1953-2011)
Yul Brynner (1920-1985)
the Bruce (1306-1329)
July 12: Malala Yousafzai, 26
Milton Teagle "Richard" Simmons, 75
Bill Cosby, 87
Christine McVie (1943-2022)
Cliburn (1934-2013)
July 13: Rhonda Vincent, 61
Cheech Marin, 77
Ernő Rubik, 79
Harrison Ford, 81
Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.)
July 14: Jane Lynch, 63
Jerry Rubin (1938-1994)
Franklin Delano "Del" Reeves (1932-2007)
Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie (1912-1967)
July 15: Arianna Huffington, 73
Linda Ronstadt, 77
Vladimir the Bold (1353-1410)
July 16: Pinchas Zukerman, 75
Jimmy Johnson, 80
Margaret Smith Court, 81

Xavier La Paul Colbert, BM, 33, 5'11", 175 lbs, violation of probation
regist.; Matthew J. Townley, WM, 43, 5'3", 170 lbs, probation violation
(threat by telecom);
Edward Richards, a/k/a Cappucino, WM, 21, 5'9", 164 lbs, burglary,
failure to appear; Derick Austin Puczylowski, WM, 30, 5'8", 180 lbs,
prob. viol. (opiates)
Borf 's weekly BONUS:
Transgender Miss Netherlands is competing for Miss Universe. . . . U-
kraine's Elina Svitolina rose to the Wimbleton women's tennis semifi-
nals by knocking off No. 1 Iga Swiatek of Poland. . . . The Earth had
its hottest day of record four straight days. . . . A bag of cocaine was
found in the guest room of the West Wing of the White House. . . . A
nurse in Wrexham, Wales, was fired after a patient of hers was found
dead with his pants down. . . . Lisa Marie Presley died (in January) of
intestinal obstruction. . . . Burger King introduced the "Real Cheese-
burger" with 12 slices of cheese and no meat.
[courtesy Harper's, LEX18, AP]

Wanted in Wichita Falls (Texas, not Wichita, Kansas) (Texoma's most
wanted): Kinley John Petcoff, WM, 31, 5'11", 180 lbs, obstruction;
Contreras, HF, 36, 5'6", 230 lbs (Yorkshire hog), ctrl. substs.;
William Thomas Henderson, IM, 22, 5'9", 120 lbs, harassment of public
servant; Jenna
Thornton, WF, 37, 5' 200 lbs (Yorkshire hog), probation violation
(obstruction, retaliation); Ashley Jamal Wagner, BM, 29, 5'8", 180 lbs,
abandoning a child
Crossword puzzle clue of the week:
6D "Peacefully
protests during
the National Anthem, say"
[New Yorker, 5/18/23]
Dear Eleanor:
I’m a
16-year-old girl, and I just finished my junior
year of high
school. I've been excited for summer
because it
means we get a break from school and
because I have
a lifeguard job at the local pool. E-
ven though
summer break has been fun, I'm starting
to feel
pressure from my friends to drink and to do
drugs. I was invited to more parties this year
ever before, and I know a few boys who just gradua-
ted and
are planning parties the next few months.
At these
parties I've noticed how many of my peers
are hooking
up, drinking beer and smoking pot. I've
never been
interested in any of those things and can
usually brush
off getting involved (I smoked a cigar-
ette once, but
I didn't like it). But I'm starting to feel
like I'm going
to be left out if I don't join in. I know
what they're
doing can be dangerous but I'm not sure
how much
longer I can keep telling my friends no. I
am worried
they'll either make fun of me or get mad
me. I'm at a loss. I don't want trouble,
but I also
don't want to lose my friends.
Tired of Not Fitting InDear TiredTeen:
Get with it! The beer won't get you drunk if you
don't drink too much, and the dope will make you
By the way, what kind of cigarette did you smoke?
Filter or nonfilter? Lucky, Camel, Pall
Mall or
Marlboro? Did you inhale? Be sure to inhale the
dope smoke.

Locked up in San Angelow (by the Tom Green County, Texas, Sheriff):
Cody Lawson, 24, mobery; Dulcie Galvan, 18, pub. intox.;
Martinez, 52, DWOL; Brent Repp, 46, public intox.; Bruce Hutto, 71,
DUI; Marisol Barrera, 28, possession; Jesse Partlow, 22, f.t.a.
Don't forget! Readers interested in
intellectual dissection of
important current events are invited to attend the Weekly World
News Round Table at the offices of Borf Books outside Browns-
ville, Kentucky, just after church services at the Boiling Springs
General Baptist Church every Sunday. Guest speakers lined up for
meetings in the near future include Kamala Harris.

lifearmp.jpg Life Saver Dude: "Squong!"
Remember, if you don't want to receive any more of this inane crap,
just hit your "Reply" button and type in the subject line, "GET THESE
But remember also, you have to
spell and punctuate the message
exactly as it appears above €“ without quotation marks, and without that
redundant "Re: " that appears in so many subject lines or you'll keep
getting this shit! ("Cut and paste" won't work, either. We have a spe-
cial filter to detect that.)
"Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment" – €“Karen Crockett
July 9, 2023: Things you would never know if you did not browse the tab-
loids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket – this
week's headlines:

Megan turns her back on humiliated hubby, Harry hung out to dry,
destroyed by court fiasco, gloating Royals refuse to help (Globe); J-Lo
& Ben sleeping
(Globe); Uh-oh, Meghan! Harry gets sexy new assistant (In Touch);
Secrret win-win deal for Feds & Teflon Don, Trump's no prison plea
deal! Won't admit guilt,
held to account; Avoids damning trial over secret papers; Can still run
for Prez & raise campaign cash (Enquirer); Applies for Paat's job,
Whoopi spins Wheal of Fortune (Enquirer}
LETTERS to the EDITOR:Hooyabob wrote Sun 7/2/23 @08:52 CDT:
Whad'ya mean "Just like you" is not a double entendre.
The girl Dear Eleanor called "Mindless" explained it,
didn't she?
No, because she heard the guy say it. If he put the emphasis
on the last word, "you," it meant "You, too, are beautiful."
If he meant "Just like you to respond that way," he'd have
put the emphasis on the second word, "like." – Editor
Dumb news from Indiana:Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and South Bend were ranked out of
the best places to live in the U.S.
[courtesy Lafayette Jounral & Courier]

South Bend's most wanted (Michiana Crime Stoppers Inc.): Kenneth
Watkins Jr., BM, 5'11", 145 lbs, burglary, counterfeiting; Deshawn
Vaughn, BM, 5'6", 165 lbs, burglay; Jeffrrey Holliday, BM, 6'2", 240
lbs, burglary, counterfeiting
Dumb news from Indiana and Kentucky:
The Democratic nominee for Kentucky Attorney General is not
licensed to practice law in Kentucky – Pamela Stevenson, of
Louisville; but she is licensed to practice in Indiana, where she
has a law office across the Ohio River, in Clarksville).
[courtesy Lexington Herald-Leader]
Dumb news from Kentucky: There were no tabloid newspapers for sale last week in Edmon-
son County.
[courtesy Tabloid Headlines]
The first woman president of the 167-year-old Berea College –
the first Southern college to integrate, in race and gender both
– said the school will continue that legacy, despite recent de-
cisions of the U.S. Supreme Court.
[courtesy LEX18]
maqueljs.jpg Lexington's most wanted: Devon Maquel
Maquel Jones BM, 35, 6'2", 170 lbs, federal supervised
release violations (Bluegrrass Crime Stoppers)
Quotation of the week:
"There's a science to breathing."
– Eric Adams Quotations of the Wheat (Simon said): "There's nothing too good for the poor, just as there's nothing too good for the rich white boy."
– Leonard Simon |
July 3: Julian Assange, 52
Tom Cruise, 61
Dave Barry, 76
Pete Fountain (1930-2016)
July 4: Eva Marie Saint, 99
U.S.A. 247
Gina Lollobrigida (1927-2023)
Lederer ("Ann Landers") (1918-2002)
Pauline Phillips ("Abigail ('Dear Abby') Van
Buren") (1918-2013)
July 5: Megan Rapinoe, 38
Edie Falco,
Nixon Eisenhower, 75
Jaime "Robbie" Robertson,
The Dalai Lama, 88
July 6: Sylvester Stallone, 77
George W. Bush, 77
Nanci Griffith (1953-2021)
Byron Berline, (1944-2021)
Merv Griffin (1925-2007)
Bill Haley (1925-1981)
July 7: Jessica Hahn, 64
Shelley Duvall, 74
Richard Starkey ("Ringo Starr"), 83
Doc Severinsen, 96
July 8: Tzipi Livni, 65
Anjelica Huston, 72
Deborah Zerby ("Kim Darby"), 76
Sidney Liebowitz ("Steve Lawrence"), 88
July 9: Courtney Love, 59
Tom Hanks, 67
O. J. Simpson, 76
Donald Rumsfeld (1932-2021)
Jesse McReynolds (1927-2023)
Ed Ames (1927-2023)
Tabloid deadlines:
Betta St. John, 93
George Tickner, 76
Nikki McCray-Pensoon, 51
Leandro De Niro, 19
Crossword puzzle clue of the week:
54A "What a mess"
Answer: OHGOD
[New Yorker, 6/12/23]

Wanted in Wichita Falls (Texas, not Wichita, Kansas (Texoma's most
wanted: Steven Anthony James, BM, 62, 5'9", 195 lbs, ups.-down ears,
sex offendr. registration viol.; Keisha D. Williams, BF, 37, 5'5", 110
lbs, endangering a child; Bradley Kyle Kimbro, WM, 43, 5'11", 175 lbs,
prob. viol. (burglary; Wendy Dale Patterson, WF, 50, 5'4", 105 lbs,
theft; Anthony John Smith, HM, 26, 5'7", 135 lbs, sexual assault
Borf 's weekly BONUS:
The Oakland (California) A[thletic]s Major (American) League base-
ball team (remember Reggie Jackson or "Catfish" Hunter of both the
Oakland A's and even the former Kansas City A's, or Connie Mack of
the former Philadelphia A's?) was planning to move to Las Vegas (Ne-
vada) after the 2024 season but has encountered a stadium funding
snag. . . . Greta Thunberg was arrested for blocking oil tankers at a port
in Malmo, Sweden. . . . Doctors removed an octopus from a man's e-
sophagus in Singapore. . . . An Oregon mayor posted a meme on Clut-
terbook depicting Pride flags arranged in the form of a swastika (it's
not at the link; if you find it, please send us a copy). . . . A woman in
Maine punched a bear in the face for chasing her dog, and the bear bit
her. . . . A roller coaster in Crandon,Wisconsin, left passengers hanging
upside down for hours. . . . A Bulgarian was arrested in Rome for carv-
ing his and his girl friend's names into the face of the Colosseum. . . .
Joey "Jaws" Chestnut won his 16th national hot dog eating champion-
ship. . . . The Eagles are preparing for their 52-year-reunion tour, but
without the late Glenn Frey, who will be substituted by his son, Deacon
Frey, and Vince Gill.
[courtesy Harper's, LEX18, AP]

keojakay.jpg Wanted
in Wichita (Kansas, n ot Wichita Falls, Texas) (Sedgwick County
Sheriff) Aaron N. Goodnight-Popp, WM, 33, 6'1", 165 lbs, probation
violation (narcotics); Kristy M. Estrada, HF, 39, 5'2", 183 lbs
(Yorkshire hog), burglary; Keona Jakay Bradle, BF, 30, 5'6", 106 lbs,
probation violation (assault)
Dear Eleanor:
I'm 36 years old and married, with three children.
I have two
siblings I have good relationships with.
But we have a
half-sister two years younger than I
who doesn’t
know we exist. When my parents
married, my father had an affair with
married woman;
and they conceived my half-
sister. My
parents ultimately divorced. My
mistress went back to her husband,
and they remain married.
My half-sister was
never told who her biological
is or that she has three half-siblings. I have
struggled my entire life about sharing this informa-
with her and I don’t want to ruin her life.
father passed away 20 years ago, and she will
have a relationship with him. My other sib-
also haven’t been able to bring themselves to
this information with her.
I remain
torn because she and I are close in age,
look alike, and have gone into
similar fields of
work. I'd love to
have a relationship with her.
understand that she may not want to have a rela-
with us and may have a few questions a-
bout why
we waited so long to tell her. Is sharing
truth worth potentially ruining her life?
Longing to Share
Dear Longo-Bongo:
How about just
seducing her husband?

Locked up on San Angelo (by the Tom Green County, Texas, Sheriff):
Sonny Carillo, 45, mj, paraph.; Brooke Smith, 43, theft, Luciano
57, theft, public intox.; Jordan McClain, 48, fraud; Brian Riddick, 37,
DUI, assault; Patricia Watts, 69, DUI; Alton Bowman, 58, family assault
Remember, if you don't want to receive any more of this inane crap,
just hit your "Reply" button and type in the subject line, "GET THESE
But remember also, you have to
spell and punctuate the message
exactly as it appears above €“ without quotation marks, and without that
redundant "Re: " that appears in so many subject lines or you'll keep
getting this shit! ("Cut and paste" won't work, either. We have a spe-
cial filter to detect that.)
lifehome.jpg "If found drunk or unconcious please return to anyone but
my wife" Life Saver Dude: I'll just take your place
Don't forget! Readers interested in intellectual dissection of
important current events are invited to attend the Weekly World
News Round Table at the offices of Borf Books outside Browns-
ville, Kentucky, just after church services at the Boiling Spring
Church of Christ every Sunday. Guest speakers lined up for meet-
ings in the near future include Ricky Martin.
"Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment" – €“Karen Crockett
July 2, 2023: Things you would never know if you did not browse the tab-
loids while waiting for your wife at the counter in the supermarket – this
week's headlines:

d230702.jpg Hollywood
Old Dads Club, Having kids they'll never see grow up, Robert De Niro,
79, Al Pacino, 83, Richard Gere, 72, Mick Jagger, 79 (Examiner); Sold
out, scared &
backed into
corner, Panicked Trump sweating bullets, Thrown under bus by Oath
Keepers!, Lawyers squealing to save selves!, Fears staffers' tape will
imprison him! (Globe); Heavyweight
go from Flab to Fab, Hollywood's 10 bigest losers, Jonah Hill 300 lbs,
Jessica Simpsoon 260, Rebel Wilson 250, John Goodman 400, Enquirer;
Taylor Swift dumps Matty (Enquirer)
Dumb news from Indiana:An Indianapolis man robbed a woman, forced her to send him a
friend request on ClutterFacebook, and then asked her for a date.
[courtesy WTHR]

Anthony Warren, BM, 5'11", 140 lbs, intimidation; Davontae
Williams, BM, 5'10", 175 lbs, domestic battery; Paige
WF, 5'7", 180 lbs (Yorkshire hog), escape; [cf. two weeks ago's Sabrina
Jones]; Steven Hoskins, WM, 6'2", 155 lbs, meth
Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia, Kentucky, was voted the
worst college in the United States.
[courtesy brain-sharper.com]

redmondt.jpg Kentucky's
most wanted, Timothy Redmond, BM, 21, 6', 160 lbs, wanton endangerment,
criminal mischief, domestic battery, Bluegrass Crime Stoppers
Quotations of the week:
"At some point,
safety is pure waste."
– Stockton Rush
"I'd rather fuck Patty than Meghan."
Whiskey Dick
Quotations of the Wheat (Simon said): "Spike asked me if I were a 'leg person' or a 'tit person.' I replied, 'Neither! I'm a pussy man. I have legs and tits'."
– Leonard Simon |  |
June 26: Ariana Grande, 30
Derek Jeter, 49
Nick Offernan, 53
Chuck Robb, 84
June 27: Khloé Kardashian, 39
Janusz Kaminski, 64
Eddie Kasko (1931-2020)
H. Ross Perot (1930-2019)
June 28: Kellie Pickler, 37
Elon Musk, 52
John Elway, 63
Panetta, 85
James Kaminsky ("Mel Brooks"), 96
Gilda Radner (1946-1989)
June 29: Gary Busey, 79
Eva Narcissus Boyd ("Little Eva,"
Harmon Killebrew
Slim Pickens
June 30: Mike Tyson, 57
Esa-Pekka Salonen, 65
Ron Swoboda, 79
Dave Van Ronk (1936-2002)
July 1: Dan Aykroyd, 71
Deborah Harry, 78
Tharp, 82
Farr, 89
Leslie Caron, 92
Princess Di (1961-1997)
Olivia de Havilland (1916-2020)
July 2: Lindsay Lohan, 37
So-Ri, 49
Baines Johnson Nugent Turpin, 76
Richard Petty, 86
Imelda Marcos, 94
Ahmad Jamal (1930-2023)
Medgar Evers (1925-1963)
Patrice LuMumba (1925-1961)
Tabloid deadlines:
Alan Arkin, 89
Bobby Osborne, 91

locked up in San Angelo (by the Tom Green County, Texas, sheriff): Luis
Vela, 21, marijuana, paraphernalia; Miranda Ellis, 37, paraphernalia;
Keith Gosha, 21, family
Jessica Escobar, 39, marijuana; Stephanie Gallegos, 41, DUI; Leo
Gonzalez, 79, "sex perf by child"; Casey Wroblewski, 24, fam. threat;
Lance Martinez, 44, family assault

Wanted in Wichitta (Kansas, not Wichita Falls, Texas) (Sedgwick County
Sheriff): Artez Joseph White, BM, 26, 5'10", 180 lbs, crim threat;
Salvador Alejandro Barragan-Alvarez,
28, 5'9", 170 lbs, prob. viol. (cr. threat); Monica Phonemani
Inthavongsa, AF, 29, 5'4", 110 lbs, prob. viol. (burglary); Isaac
Guadalupe Romero, HM, 23, 6'1", 140 lbs, probation viol.
Crossword puzzle clue of the week:
16A "Do
a whole lotta nothing"
[New Yorker, 6/7/23]

Wanted in Wichita Falls (Texas, not Wichita, Kansas) (Texoma's) David
Cruz Sanchez, HM, 31, 5'8", 165 lbs, burglary; Ashli Nicole
Jones-Canada, BF, 35, 5'8", 304 lbs (Yorkshire hog), probation
Thomas Benjamen Kimbrell, WM, 36, 5'11", 205 lbs, abandon. child; Hannah Felicity Hughes, WF, 23, 5'2", 120 lbs, probation viol. (burglary); Quinton Shacar Taylor, BM, 44, 5'5", 160 lbs, family assault
Borf 's weekly BONUS:
Prince Harry was hoping to do a podcast with Donald Trump and Vlad-
imir Putin in which they would discuss mutual childhood traumas. . . .
Psychologists found that partnered sex improves sleep but that mastur-
bation doesn't. . . . Elon Musk accepted Mark Zuckerberg's challenge
to a cage fight. . . .
[courtesy Harper's, LEX18, AP]
Don't forget! Readers interested in intellectual dissection of important current events are invited to attend the WeeklyWorld News Round Table at the offices of Borf Books outside Browns- ville, Kentucky, after church services at the Boiling Spring Church of Christ every Sunday. Guest speakers lined up for meetings in the near future include Sonia Sotomayor.
Dear Eleanor:
Is it a problem that my doctor is a bit of a flirt?
I had a
procedure recently; and when it was com-
the doctor announced, "All set!" My re-
response of gratitude, relief and optimism
that the
procedure would help me was, "Beautiful!"
response was, "Just like you." Now, that
could mean
"Just like you to respond that way," or
it could mean,
"You are beautiful." I don’t mind,
way. But is this a problem that should be no-
ted somewhere?
It’s not the first flirty-type double-
Don't Mind But Others Might
Dear Mindless:
That was
neither a flirt nor a double entendre; it
was simply a

lifequen.jpg Life Saver Dude: Queen o' de mer!
Remember, if you don't want to receive any more of this inane crap,
just hit your "Reply" button and type in the subject line, "GET THESE
But remember also, you have to
spell and punctuate the message
exactly as it appears above €“ without quotation marks, and without that
redundant "Re: " that appears in so many subject lines or you'll keep
getting this shit! ("Cut and paste" won't work, either. We have a spe-
cial filter to detect that.)
"Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment" – Karen Crockett